22 Work Resolutions for 2022

22 Work Resolutions for 2022 Publié le 7 January 2022 Par

Get the New Year off to a great start with 22 work resolutions for 2022.

A new year is time for new year’s resolutions. This is an opportunity to set goals for the year and decide how you are going to achieve them. Having work resolutions can help you achieve your professional goals and create a better work environment for yourself and your colleagues. Here are 22 work resolutions for 2022.

Hydrate More

Our bodies are 60% water, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to stay hydrated. On the contrary, chronic dehydration is a serious problem that studies suggest is affecting as many as three out of four adults. Remembering to regularly drink water — not coffee, soda or energy drinks — may seem like a small change but it can have many positive benefits for your overall health and well-being.

Get More Sleep

“Rise and grind” culture is not only wrong, but also dangerous to our health. Sleep plays an enormously important role in ensuring that our bodies and minds are functionally properly. Unfortunately, 50%-70% of adults regularly experience difficulty sleeping, and an estimated third of all adults are chronically sleep deprived. There are external factors such as stress and work-related pressure that can affect our ability to get a proper sleep, and it is also important to form healthy sleep habits that will allow us to get rest that we need to function properly and happily.

Set Professional Boundaries

Remote work has become normal for millions of people as a result of the pandemic. It has had the unintended consequence of making it even more difficult to maintain a proper-work life balance. With employees often pressured to be “on” at all times, it would be almost impossible to step away from the virtual office. The new year is a good time to set some professional boundaries, made easier by the fact that it is now illegal (in Ontario at least) for businesses to have no policy about after-hours communication.

Use Sick Days

Nobody likes it, but everyone gets sick from time to time. In the past, many workers felt pressured to use as few sick days as possible and return to work right away. The pandemic has demonstrated that this is a bad idea, which can have very serious consequences for the health of all employees. Using your sick days can be made more difficult by the fact that not all provinces have legally guaranteed paid sick days. Nevertheless, using the sick days you need to rest and recover is one of the most important work resolutions for 2022.

Take Breaks

Spending the entire day focused on work is not healthy for anyone. Breaks are important for our health and well-being, and this is why it is mandated by law. Even short breaks have been shown to have positive benefits, and will allow you to do good work while lowering the chance of burnout.

Take A Vacation

Given the reality of limited travel options, it is easy to overlook vacations and holidays. Using your legally-mandated vacation days should be one of the most important work resolutions for 2022 in order to avoid the very real possibility of employee burnout. Don’t be afraid to use your vacation days, even so you can enjoy a stay-cation at home. Just getting away from work will help improve your well-being and allow you to return to work feeling refreshed and recharged.

Stretch and Move

All jobs are physically demanding, even those that require employees to sit at a desk. No matter your job, it’s important to move, stretch and exercise on a regular basis in order to keep our bodies healthy and help mitigate physical issues such as aches and pains. Even just setting a timer and doing a few simple stretches is a great work resolution for 2022. 

Take Care Of Your Physical Health

All employers should recognize the importance of providing employees with a comprehensive health benefits package. Be sure to review your health benefits package throughout the year, and take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities to address your physical health. Don’t hesitate to seek out massage therapy, physical therapy and other forms of professional help that will help you feel physically your best. If you had any benefits that expired at the end of last year, making sure to use them this year is a great work resolution for 2022.

Seek Support for Mental Well-Being

The past couple years have been tough on everyone, and it has made the importance of seeking support for mental well-being even more clear. Employers should always be aware of the impact that overwork and chronic stress can have on the mental well-being of employees, and look for any way to provide support. If you feel that you need help with your mental well-being, never hesitate to seek help with qualified professionals.

Work Near The Window

The new year is a great time to reorganize your workspace and create a spot near the window. Getting the right amount of sunlight throughout the day provides vitamin D and has positive effects on our emotional, mental and physical well-being. Especially with the longer winter months still ahead, be sure to get as much sun as possible until the spring thaw arrives. Adding a plant on the windowsill can also help brighten up the workspace.

Help Out The New Hire

The job market is in a state of flux heading into 2022. People have left their jobs in record numbers, while others are searching for new opportunities after their industry has been drastically affected by the pandemic. For new hires, learning a new job can be incredibly stressful, especially if it involves new forms of remote or hybrid working. Remember that you were once the new hire, and take the time to help them learn their role and feel like they are part of the team.

Create Your Own Schedule

Employees want flexibility from employers, and many have realized that the traditional 9-5 office schedule is not how they work best. You should take the time to find what type of schedule works for you. Are you at the best early in the day? Then wake up at sunrise and get to work. More of a night owl? There is nothing wrong with being your most productive later in the day.

Stay In Touch

One of the disadvantages of remote work is the loss of in-person contact with colleagues. Without the opportunity to swap stories and catch up in front of the office coffee maker, it is more difficult to create strong professional relationships. An important work resolution in 2022 is to put extra effort into maintaining work friendships and staying in touch with colleagues, even when working in different spaces.

Expect The Unexpected

The past two years have demonstrated that almost nothing is predictable. Learning to expect the unexpected and be willing to adapt and change is one of the key work resolutions for 2022. Understanding that sometimes plans and goals need to change and be altered will better prepare you to react to unexpected situations beyond your control instead of getting stuck when something does not go as you had planned.

Try A Time Management System

Properly managing time is something that many people struggle with. Fortunately, there are multiple different time management and time tracking systems that you can implement. Having a certain structure to your day can help you reach your goals and avoid stress from overwork. Try different time management systems and find something that works best for you.

Set A Productivity Goal

If you want to continually improve your performance, it’s important to set goals and work to achieve them. Having metrics by which you measure your productivity can help you identify areas for improvement, and see the situations that allow you to work at your best. Different productivity hacks can help you channel your focus and produce work you can be proud of. 

Accept That Productivity Isn’t Everything

Being a productive worker is not more important than your physical, mental and emotional well-being. The pressure to produce is greater than ever before, leading to burnout and other serious consequences on people’s health. Focusing on productivity at all costs will not benefit anyone, and will do harm in the long run. 

Ask For A Raise

It’s important to value yourself and the work you put into your job. While benefits and other perks are important parts of compensation, salary is still key. Take a look at the average salaries in your industry and perform a serious self-assessment of your work. If you have excelled in your role, improved the organization and greatly contributed to your company’s success then there is no reason you should not be compensated as such.

Be A Leader

Being promoted to a leadership role is a career goal for many. But you don’t have to wait until you have “Manager” in your title to start displaying leadership qualities and skills. Don’t be afraid to take the lead and show initiative on projects and tasks, as it will help you grow into the role and take on a larger part in the organization. 

Keep The Video Calls Short

By now we are all familiar with “Zoom Fatigue”, and video calls have become part of our daily work routine which is likely to continue into the new year. These meetings can be important, but they can also be draining and unhelpful. If you are organizing a video meeting, make sure to do the work before to make it as beneficial and straightforward as possible.

Be Patient With Others

The levels of stress and anxiety experienced by all types of people have never been higher. With everyone waking up to the same frightening news and facing daily uncertainty, it can be hard to remember that empathizing with others is one of our most important abilities. If one of your colleagues seems to be having a tough time at work, be patient with them and reach out to see if there is something you can do. Understanding one another is the way to build better and stronger working environments.

Be Patient With Yourself

The past year has been very stressful, and 2022 is going to be anything but predictable. There are so many factors that are beyond your control but still can have a huge impact on your daily life. If you find yourself feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or burnt out, it’s time to take a break and step away from work for a moment. An important work resolution for 2022 is to be patient with yourself and take the time you need to de-stress and feel better.

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