Brio Ressources humaines inc.

Brio Ressources humaines inc.

137B rue Hériot, Drummondville , QC J2C 1J7

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Learn more about Brio Ressources humaines inc.

Brio RH is a team of organizational health consultants and psychological health preventionists through - Brio PAE.

Much more than a placement and recruitment agency, we share our passion by supporting our clients who aspire to create a high-performing work environment where employees and managers thrive in harmony.

This conviction is a strength that allows us to multiply the potential for success for our clients, fostering a healthy, high-performing, and human team!

Our services for individuals in career management:

- Personality tests
- Skills assessment
- Career orientation
- Career redirection

Our services for businesses:

- Recruitment and headhunting
- Organizational development
- Human resources management
- Psychometric testing and psychological profiling
- Outplacement
- Employer branding
- Management coaching
- Pay equity and compensation

Candidates are also invited to visit our website to discover our current job offers and apply directly online at