Stay Motivated: How to Keep Learning New Skills During Difficult Times

Stay Motivated - A bar labelled motivation that is filling up over professional business people. Publié le 23 June 2023 Par

As difficult as it may be, the ability to stay motivated and know how to keep learning new skills during difficult times can be invaluable for working professionals.

Staying focused and positive in the face of adversity is challenging. Sometimes you’re too overwhelmed, stressed out, or discouraged to throw yourself into learning new skills when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

However, upskilling and improving your competencies can be the way out of dire straits, which is why personal and professional growth should be your top priority. And with new crises looming on the horizon one after another, it’s crucial to be able to land on your feet no matter what happens.  

A new survey finds that 87% of leaders say their companies are experiencing skill gaps now or expect them to happen within the next few years, which puts things in perspective. In other words, having an extensive skill set will help you position yourself as top talent and an asset any organization will want to hire or keep for the long-term. 

This article will share some effective tips that will help you stay motivated and committed to learning new skills — regardless of the current circumstances.

Set SMART Goals for Learning New Skills

If you want to learn new skills successfully, you need to set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These are the criteria that make your learning goals clear, trackable, realistic, meaningful, and timely.

  • Be Specific about what skill you want to learn and what level you want to reach. This way, you’ll have a clear target and avoid confusion. 

  • Make your goals Measurable by breaking down your skill into smaller steps that you can measure and track. This approach will allow you to see your progress and know when you’ve achieved your goal.

  • Choose Relevant goals that match your personal or professional interests and aspirations. By doing so, you’ll stay motivated and passionate even when things get tough.

  • Set a Time-bound deadline for your goals to create a sense of urgency and responsibility. Deadlines will help you focus, prioritize, and hold yourself accountable. 

SMART goals are your roadmap to success. By setting clear and well-defined goals, you’ll be more motivated and prepared to overcome the challenges you face in learning new skills.

Boost Your Motivation with Positive Self-Talk and Visualization

Another way to keep your motivation high is to use positive self-talk and visualization. 

Positive self-talk means changing negative thoughts into positive and optimistic ones. Although it sounds like one of the pop psychology myths, it’s actually corroborated by research. Even small changes in the language you use when introspecting and referring to yourself can help you gain a certain level of control over your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in stress-inducing situations. And that’s exactly what you need to stay motivated and keep learning new skills during difficult times. 

In other words, it’s like giving yourself an internal pep talk to lift your spirits. This tactic works for 65% of professional athletes who say that coaches’ pre-game motivational speeches have an impact on the way they play.  

Similarly, visualization allows you to imagine a desired outcome in your mind and feel what success looks like.

You can use positive self-talk to overcome self-doubt and boost your self-confidence. Find any negative thoughts and change them into positive affirmations. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t do this,” say to yourself, “I can do this with hard work and patience.” Say these affirmations often to change your thinking and belief in yourself.

Visualization can also help you stay motivated. Imagine yourself achieving your learning goal, and feel happiness and pride. This mental practice can make you more committed to learning and eager to succeed.

You can also make a vision board to visualize your goals and dreams. Find pictures, words, or anything else that illustrates what you want to achieve, and put them on a board or online. Put your vision board somewhere you can see it every day so it reminds you of your learning goals and the benefits of achieving them.

Find Your Community and Start Learning Together 

Another amazing way to keep your motivation levels high is to connect with a supportive group of people who share your passion for learning. Peer-to-peer learning is highly effective, so make sure to tap into its power. When you’re part of an enthusiastic community, you’ll find encouragement, advice, and a sense of responsibility that helps you stay focused, even when the going gets tough. 

So, how to find your community? 

Check out online forums, social media groups, or platforms dedicated to the skill you want to acquire or improve. These virtual hangouts are perfect for meeting others on the same learning path, swapping tips and resources, and cheering each other on. You’ll soon discover that a little friendly competition can do wonders for your motivation.

Don’t forget to look for local clubs, workshops, or meet-ups in your area, too. In-person gatherings are a fantastic way to practice your new skill, get real-time feedback, and bond with fellow enthusiasts, especially if you’re working remotely.

Or you can take things to the next level and start your own study group with friends or colleagues who share your goals. Regular catch-ups or group sessions can help you stay on track, vent about challenges, and learn from each other’s experiences. 

Dive into a community of learners and let the power of group motivation carry you forward. With the support of this professional network, it will be easier to push through setbacks and master new skills.

Embrace a Growth Mindset and Learn from Failures

One key to staying motivated when learning new skills is adopting a growth mindset. It boils down to being aware that you can continually develop and improve your abilities through persistence and hard work. With a growth mindset, you’ll perceive challenges and hindrances as opportunities to learn and grow rather than as reasons to wave a white flag. 

When you experience difficulties or failures, remind yourself that they’re a natural part of the learning process. Analyze what went wrong, and use these insights to inform your approach or adjust your goals. Think of each failure as a valuable lesson that brings you closer to success.

Remember, nobody becomes an expert overnight. By embracing a growth mindset and learning from your failures, you’ll build resilience and stay motivated. 

Incorporate Learning into Your Daily Routine

To stay motivated and committed to learning new skills, make it a habit by incorporating it into your daily routine. By dedicating time each day to your learning goals, you’ll ensure consistent progress and make skill acquisition a natural part of your life.

Start by setting aside a specific time each day to focus on learning. Whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, consistency is key. Find a time that works best for you, and try to stick to it – even when you’re feeling exhausted or unmotivated.

You can also look for opportunities to integrate learning into your everyday activities. For example, if you’re learning a new language, listen to podcasts or music in that language during your commute to work, or practice speaking with native speakers online during your lunch break.

Diversify Your Learning Resources and Methods

Another way to maintain motivation when learning new skills is to use a variety of learning resources and methods. By diversifying your approach, you’ll keep things fresh, engaging, and exciting, and you’ll be more likely to stick with your goals.

Explore different formats, such as books, online courses, podcasts, videos, and workshops. Each resource offers unique perspectives and insights that can help you deepen your understanding of your chosen skill.

Experiment with various learning techniques, too. For example, try active learning methods like teaching others, engaging in discussions, or working on projects. These approaches can boost your retention and help you apply your new skills more effectively.

Feel free to change things around if you feel bored or unmotivated. A fresh approach or a new resource might be just what you need to reignite your passion for learning and keep you moving forward.

Celebrate Your Wins and Track Your Progress

Let’s be frank and admit that we all love a good pat on the back. Celebrating your achievements and tracking your progress is an essential part of staying motivated when learning new skills during difficult times. That’s why you should recognize your achievements and reward yourself. That will give you a much-needed boost, especially during tough times.

To track your progress, use apps, journals, or spreadsheets to record your milestones and accomplishments. It’s a great idea to break your big goal into smaller, more achievable steps and celebrate each one as you reach it. Seeing your progress in black and white, through a series of small wins, can help you stay focused and serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come.

As for rewards, choose something that excites and motivates you. Maybe it’s a delicious treat, a fun night out, or a special gift to yourself, such as an inexpensive weekend flight to the place you’ve always wanted to visit. Make sure your rewards are in line with your goals and achievements – don’t overspend or hinder your progress with indulgences that don’t serve your ultimate purpose.

Don’t forget to share your successes with your network. They’ll celebrate with you and cheer you on, boosting your motivation even more.

What If You Lose Your Motivation? 

It’s completely natural to experience a dip in motivation. No matter how hard you try, you can’t maintain peak performance all the time — quite the opposite, so don’t push it. 

Although all the previous tips will minimize the odds of these plunges, you still need a tactic to get you through this motivational dry spell.

Exercise is a great way to recharge your batteries and get ready for new learning challenges. 

Physical activity will clear your head and boost your energy. Studies have shown that exercising increases neuroplasticity and improves cognitive function.

As a result, your ebbing motivation will start to flow again. Take a break from learning and go for a walk in the park, do pilates, or try out something like SUP yoga. These activities encourage mindfulness, improve blood circulation, and reset your creativity. 

Wrapping Up

Learning a new skill can be a roller coaster of emotions, but it’s essential to understand that you have what it takes to overcome any obstacle. You can follow some of these tips to help you stay motivated and keep learning new skills during difficult times. That’s what will make sure you have a bright future ahead of yourself.

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