2023 Statutory Holidays in Québec: The Complete List

Plan your time away from the office with the complete list of 2023 statutory holidays in Québec.
A new year means new holidays. The 2023 statutory holidays in Québec paid days off from work as mandated by law. Spread throughout the years, these days provide people with the chance to spend time with family and friends, celebrate special occasions and take a break from work.
Holidays are not only fun, but actually play an important role in helping people maintain their overall well-being, and avoid exhaustion, fatigue and burnout. Getting away from the workplace — even just for a day or a long weekend — helps employees perform at their best and, most importantly, feel their best mentally, emotionally, and physically.
With people across la belle province looking to the year ahead and the exciting adventures it will bring, it’s time to grab the calendar and start planning your next vacation. A fantastic way to start is with the complete list of 2023 Statutory Holidays in Quebec.
The 2023 Statutory Holidays in Québec
- January 2 – Monday: New Year’s Day (in lieu of January 1)
- April 7 – Friday/April 10 – Monday: Good Friday/Easter Monday
- May 22 – Monday: Journée nationale des Patriotes
- June 24 – Saturday: Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day aka Fête Nationale du Québec
- July 3 – Monday: Canada Day (in lieu of July 1)
- September 4 – Monday: Labour Day
- October 9 – Monday: Thanksgiving
- December 25 – Monday: Christmas
What Is A Statutory Holiday?
A statutory holiday is a public holiday created through legislation from federal, territorial or provincial governments. On a statutory holiday, many employees are legally entitled to a paid day off from work. Those who must still work are often entitled to increased compensation for working. The Federal Government of Canada mandates six statutory holidays that apply to Federal employees across all of Canada, even when the holiday is not recognized on a provincial level. Each province and territory is responsible for creating additional statutory holidays which apply to provincial employees. The province of Québec and its 4.3 million workers currently has nine statutory holidays throughout 2023.
The Québec National Holiday
June 24 officially marks the Fête Nationale du Québec, more commonly known as Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. Based on the traditional feast day of Saint Jean The Baptist and first celebrated as a public holiday in 1925, it has been the official national holiday of Quebec since the mid-1970s. Taking place one week before Canada Day, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is extremely popular in Québec. It is a day marked by parties, parades, and fireworks. When this day falls on a weekend, employees will receive the following Monday off from work, ensuring everyone has a long weekend. In 2023, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day falls on a Saturday. While Canada Day is automatically moved to Monday, for Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day – aka la Fête Nationale du Québec – it is a bit more complicated.
According to the Quebec government: if this day “falls on a Sunday and Sunday is not a regular working day for the employee, the 25th of June is a public holiday for the employee.” As Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day is a Saturday this year, there is a bit of leeway for employers and workers to come to their own arrangement and have a paid day off on either the Friday or Monday. Per the Provincial government: “Every employer must grant a compensatory holiday of a duration equivalent to a regular day of work where 24 June falls on a day that is not a regular working day for the employee… The compensatory holiday must, in all cases, be taken on the working day preceding or following 24 June.”
Please note, this applies mainly to people who work Monday-to-Friday jobs, or for government agencies. If you are scheduled to work on a Saturday which is a statutory holiday, you will likely receive that day off from work or additional holiday pay. Please always check with your provincial government to confirm the exact requirements and responsibilities.
Did Canada Day Change?
You are not ready the list incorrectly. Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day remains June 24th and Canada Day remains July 1st, and both of which fall on Saturday this year. When a statutory holiday falls on a weekend, per Federal government regulation the official day off gets transferred to the following Monday. This ensures that people still receive a paid day off from work even what the stat holiday is on a Saturday or a Sunday. People can enjoy all the fireworks, barbeques and celebrations and then have a paid day off.
Please note, this applies mainly to people who work Monday-to-Friday jobs, or for government agencies. If you are scheduled to work on a Saturday which is a statutory holiday, you may receive that day off from work or additional holiday pay. Certain sectors, such as the restaurant industry and certain retail stores may still be working on June 24th and July 1st. Please always check with your provincial government to confirm the exact requirements and responsibilities for employers and employees.
The Newest Stat Holiday
People who grew up before the 2000’s may be surprised to see Journée nationale des Patriotes (National Patriot’s Day en Anglais) appear on the list of 2023 statutory holidays in Québec. This is the newest stat holiday in Québec and was introduced in 2003 to replace the May long weekend, which been unofficially known as Fête de Dollard. The day commemorates the Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 — aka the Guerre Des Patriotes — and occurs at the same time as the Victoria Day long weekend in Ontario and other provinces.
Why Does Everyone Move On July 1st?
People outside of Québec are often surprised to see all the references to July 1st as Moving Day. This is traditionally the day on which rental lease agreements expire, having evolved from earlier legal mandates governing fixed lease terms. It has become so commonplace that over a quarter of a million people in Québec moved on July 1, 2019, which included over 70,000 people in the city of Montreal alone. If you plan to move on this date, be sure to rent your moving truck months in advance to avoid a headache.
What Are The “Construction Holidays?”
While not an official 2023 statutory holiday in Québec , the Construction Holiday is a big part of summer vacation for workers in the province. Beginning in 1970, the Québec government made an agreement with labour leaders in the provincial construction industry for a two-week holiday at the end of July. Over the past 53 years, it has become an unofficial holiday for many workers outside the construction industry. During this two-week period 150,000 people — a quarter of Québec’s population — will be on vacation. This time is not a statutory holiday and there is no legal mandate for paid time off. This means that the exact arrangements are left to be determined between employers and employees.
Is Boxing Day A Holiday in Québec?
Boxing Day takes place on December 26th, the day after Christmas. Given its roots in the United Kingdom, it is often celebrated in Commonwealth countries as well. Boxing Day is not a 2023 statutory holiday in Québec. It is a stat holiday in neighbouring Ontario, a fact that often causes some confusion. It is a holiday for Federal employees, so those who work for the Federal Government while based in Québec will have the day off.
Taking a break from work is a good thing for employers and employees alike. The 2023 statutory holidays in Québec will allow workers to rest and relax with a paid day off, helping them return to the office feeling recharged. Add these dates to your 2023 calendar and plan your vacation accordingly.