Produits forestiers Résolu

Produits forestiers Résolu

1010 De La Gauchetière Street West, Suite 400, Montreal , QC H3B 2N2

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Learn more about Produits forestiers Résolu

Resolute: Jobs where you grow

Forest products are indeed essential, as are each and every one of our employees and contractors.  We take steps to protect the health and well-being of our employees and to maintain the integrity of all Resolute facilities.

We are all in this together. We are one community. We are #resoluteproud

Resolute Forest Products is a global leader in the forest products industry offering a rewarding and safe work environment with opportunities and challenges that will help grow your skills. Resolute is home to a dynamic team of people from a wide range of backgrounds. Providing everyone the means to achieve their full potential is the key to our success. That is why we encourage individual effort while also supporting teamwork. If you are looking for a challenge in a new job or field, we invite you to join us.

The company owns or operates some 40 manufacturing facilities, as well as power generation assets, in the United States and Canada. Marketing its products in close to 70 countries, Resolute has third-party certified 100% of its managed woodlands to internationally recognized sustainable forest management standards.

We are proud of the regional, North American and global recognition we have received for our leadership in corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, as well as for our business practices.

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Work environment

Our Vision:

At Resolute Forest Products, we are one team with one vision where:
Profitability and sustainability drive our future.

Our Values:

Work safely
We always put the safety of our people first. Creating an injury-free workplace is everyone's business. We maintain world-class standards and continuously measure and improve our safety efforts and results.

Be accountable
We are accountable for our performance. The future of our company is in our hands. By empowering people, acting with integrity, setting goals and measuring progress, we deliver first-class products and services to customers and create value for shareholders.

Ensure sustainability
We make decisions with tomorrow in mind. We know that our long-term profitability depends on preserving the natural resources in our care and being a responsible partner in the communities where we live and work.

Succeed together
We win together. Teamwork starts with a winning attitude and a true desire to support each other. We welcome ideas, communicate frequently and share best practices.

Career management

Our People

Our approximately 10,000 employees throughout all regions work together to achieve our goals. We welcome ideas from everyone within the organization and promote frequent, open communication and the sharing of best practices. Our success is linked to encouraging individual effort and embracing the value of teamwork and cross-functional collaboration. As we all pull our weight, work together and support each other, we are creating value for ourselves and our customers, investors, business partners and operating communities.

Community involvement

Resolute Forest Products believes it is essential to have meaningful engagement and partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders and others, including customers, employees, Indigenous peoples, environmental and other non-governmental organizations ((E)NGOs), business partners, governments, investors and members of the general public.

In addition to engaging in dialogue, we strive to have a positive and meaningful impact in the local and regional communities where we operate, and we support many registered charitable organizations each year. We are committed to ensuring that all of our operations report their engagement activities consistently and transparently, while maintaining ongoing outreach with stakeholders to determine the shared priorities that inform our public commitments and sustainability strategy.

Supporting Dialogue in the Communities Where We Operate

Through our information-sharing program, for example, we build and maintain strong relationships with community leaders in our operating locations. These groups meet regularly to provide a forum for discussing a range of issues of mutual interest to participants – from harvest area allocation and energy conservation to controls for noise pollution.

For more information on how Resolute engages with stakeholders, visit our Engaging in Dialogue page. For information about the issues that we define as ‘material’ and that influence our sustainability reporting, please visit our Shared Priorities page.

Lasting Collaboration with Indigenous Communities

We also focus on developing constructive relationships with Indigenous communities, with whom we work collaboratively to ensure that our forests continue to provide for future generations. Key to facilitating this partnership is continuous dialogue with chiefs, band councils and elders in our operating communities.

Measuring Our Local Impact

Our operations are located in Canada and the United States. Each operation may be an anchor for the local economy, but it also relies on that same community to maintain its sustainability. Our operations and employees support and participate in local community life, and we work with community leaders to understand local issues and concerns.

Resolute tracks and reports on a number of key performance indicators related to direct and indirect economic impacts, as well as our community engagement and development initiatives.