PR Distribution inc.

PR Distribution inc.

6500, rue Zéphirin-Paquet, Quebec City , QC G2C 0M3

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Learn more about PR Distribution inc.

Choose a company in which employees are at the heart of the organization, in which commitment, dynamism, and empowerment are valued, and in which the development of each individual is a priority, choose PR Distribution!

As a leader in the importation and distribution of industrial and automotive supplies for the past 50 years, PR Distribution's experienced team works in close cooperation with customers in a broad range of sectors. Heavy equipment operators, building contractors, manufacturers, government agencies, and municipal public works departments are among the many who call on our services because they know they can count on us for total satisfaction.

Our professional sales force travels all over Quebec , the Maritimes and Ontario to supply customers with superior quality products from the 80,000 items we keep in stock. Our sales team's trademark is their personalized approach and weekly or monthly follow-up, depending on your needs.

Integrate a talented team in which you can share your expertise while contributing to the company's development.