The 10 best paid jobs in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur

The best paid job in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur is Dispatcher. Discover their descriptions and consult the job postings for these positions on Jobillico.

The 10 best paid jobs in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur

  1. Dispatcher

    $50,000 / year - 1 job posting(s)

    At the beginning of the career, the salary is $45,000. In mid-career, it can reach $50,000. The maximum salary is $55,000.

    See all Dispatcher job postings in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur

What is the average salary in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur?

Le salaire moyen à Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur est $24.04/heure ou $50,000/an. Ce salaire est calculé sur la base d’une semaine de travail de 40 heures.

$24.04 / hour

$50,000 / year

(based on a 40-hour workweek)