8 Ways To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

Mitigate workplace conflict and ensure smooth collaboration in a positive atmosphere with 8 ways to deal with difficult coworkers.
Let’s just face it, every workplace team is made up of different personalities, and not everyone is going to get along with each perfectly.
We can’t argue that dealing with a difficult coworker can be seriously tough. It’s completely normal to feel a bit anxious at the thought of doing anything that could lead to a conflict in the workplace. Unfortunately, this is a problem that needs to be properly addressed. The workplace should be based on respect, unity, and support, and difficult coworkers can sabotage these efforts. . Don’t worry because we’re here to help you develop conflict resolution skills with 8 ways to deal with a difficult coworker that can help create a more positive atmosphere for you and your team.
But let’s first explore how this situation occurred in the first place.
How did we end up here? Who’s to point fingers at?
The corporate world has taught us that there are plenty of reasons why certain colleagues get on your nerves more than others. What’s the backstory behind all of this?
We know that this may sound a bit surprising, but it’s totally safe to say that one of the main reasons behind these workplace conflicts is the clash of different work styles.
Just think about two colleagues, one whose approach is more of brainstorming creative ideas and bouncing them off the team, while the other is more of a fine-tuning type who obsessively plans and tracks every step of a project. Can you see the clash coming from a mile away? Unless both individuals have exceptional self-control, tensions can brew when these contrasting work styles collide, and it’s not really hard to see why!
But work style isn’t the only factor. Past experiences (both positive and negative) also shape our workplace behavior.
For the sake of example, let’s assume that “Sarah” is one of your tough colleagues. Early in her career, she worked in a high-pressure job where her ideas were often neglected, and she felt undervalued. This experience left a lasting impact on her. Now, in her current workplace, even when her colleagues offer constructive feedback, Sarah immediately feels like she’s under the wire. She interprets any critique as a personal attack because of her previous workplace experience.
In this instance, no one is trying to create a conflict that derails the workplace. Nevertheless, these contrasting work styles are causing conflict with the team. This is an opportunity for company leaders to step in to identify the source of this conflict, and mitigate the situation in a manner that leaves everyone feeling supported and heard.
Why is knowing how to deal with a tough colleague that important?
You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again— there will always be challenges that you need to face in your workplace and dealing with a difficult coworker is part of the deal.
But no need to see the glass as half-empty here because the ability to handle a difficult colleague can actually be a valuable soft skill.
If you’re still reluctant, you might be thinking “Okay, but how does this impact my work environment?” Well, as you master this skill, you’ll be better able to smooth out all the negative vibes and create a better work environment that leads to better performance and employee engagement.
Not only that, by repeatedly resolving workplace conflicts (shoutout to that tricky coworker), you’re going to get that self-confidence shot and develop your leadership qualities and abilities.
Now, we have made a fair amount of effort to understand how some individuals turn into tricky coworkers and why it is important to figure out how to deal with them. Which brings us to our next question: How do you put these thoughts into practice? Here are 8 ways to deal with difficult coworkers in the workplace?
8 Ways to deal with difficult coworkers in the workplace
A quick disclaimer here: the tips we’re about to share aim to help you reach that “Aha!” moment. But in all honesty, there’s no one-stop solution for this because it really depends on your specific situation.
1. Build bridges
The first game plan is to take the initiative and try to build bridges with your tough colleagues. Skip the “Why are you so rude?” questions and go instead for some personal inquiries that can help you establish trust and find common ground. You never know. You might discover you’re like-minded as you dig deeper!
Showing interest in their life story and background can work wonders in transforming your workplace relationship, and what better way to do this than by asking questions like:
- Do you have any cool travel plans for this summer?
- How did you come to choose this career path?
- Who’s your favorite NBA team, and any epic moments you’d love to share?
- Any recent books, podcasts, or movies that left a lasting impression on you recently?
Demonstrating this level of engagement is powerful enough to make your most difficult coworkers feel genuinely valued and respected, and trust us, this tactic never gets old.
2. Engage in an open dialogue
If the first tip doesn’t do the trick, the wisest thing to do is to engage in an open and respectful dialogue with the colleague you’re struggling to sync with. Arrange a one-on-one discussion in a private meeting room and bring to the table all the sticking points that have been causing conflict and methods for how this workplace relationship can survive.
Stay open-minded and approach them with a team-focused mindset. Let them know you’re coming with good faith to resolve any misunderstandings with a statement like, “I want to clear this up as soon as possible.”
The point of doing this is to eliminate the fog related to your past miscommunication and get better results by speaking honestly and directly rather than playing a blame game.
3. Keep It Low-Key
Okay, so if trying to build bridges or having an open discussion with this difficult coworker hasn’t exactly been a positive experience, we hate to break it to you, but your next tactic should probably involve spending less time with them altogether.
With that being said, we don’t encourage you to give your colleague the cold shoulder; just limit your time with them and avoid office back-and-forths. You don’t need to go the extra mile to get along with them anymore.
4. Strengthen connections with inspiring colleagues
Now that you know how complex straightening up the relationship with a tough colleague is, remember, as the author Paulo Coelho once said, “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”
So, your best bet is to strengthen your connection with positive and inspirational colleagues in the workplace. Invest time and be the go-to guy when things get tough. It’s not something that happens overnight – think of it like building Rome; it wasn’t done in a day, right?
5. Get your immediate superior involved
If your difficult colleague takes it to the extreme and starts violating the company’s standard operating procedure to the point where your work commitment is seriously compromised, don’t try to reinvent the wheel and just accept that there’s no other option but to report the issue to your immediate superior.
And to make sure nothing falls through the cracks, consider conflict journaling. Forgive us for the jargon, but in simple terms, this practice involves documenting a detailed record of conflicts that took place in the workplace to have sufficient proof of their repetitive misconduct.
As soon as your manager catches wind of the conflict, he should be supportive and wise enough to address these workplace issues.
6. Keep things professional in your communication
Let’s be real here: sometimes, you subconsciously make the problem fester by gossiping about your difficult coworker all over the office, and it’s not just you. According to FRESH BUSINESS THINKING, the average office worker spends nearly 30 minutes a day gossiping with colleagues.
We get it, it’s frustrating to be in such a situation, but this practice is a red flag all day. Workplace gossip can ruin your reputation in the company, sabotage your career, and push your colleagues to perceive you as the most untrustworthy around. So, yeah, that’s a big “nope”.
Instead, maintain a professional and respectful tone in your communication, even when dealing with those who are close to you.
7. Be the role model
No matter what happens, always keep your cool and strive to be the professional that others look up to. This doesn’t just prevent potential backlash and tensions, but it also sets the tone for your colleagues when they’re involved in a workplace conflict, just like you.
Being a role model will take a little more work, and for that, assess how you interact with your colleagues, focus on improving your communication skills and most importantly, be open to learning from your mistakes.
8. Set your boundaries
When you’re considering ways to deal with difficult coworkers, it’s crucial to set your boundaries right from the start. Think about what behaviors you can’t tolerate, and when your difficult coworker pushes those buttons, don’t hesitate to step back from the scene immediately.
Not only does this help you protect your mental well-being, but it will also maintain a productive and united workplace.
Promote positivity in the workplace
By utilizing 8 ways to deal with difficult coworkers, you will be better prepared to address conflict in the workplace in a professional manner.
But the last point we wanted to stress is this: when you’re addressing difficult coworkers, you should never make high-stakes decisions in the heat of the moment because, at the end of the day, you’re at work five days a week, and it’s in your hands to keep the workplace vibe healthy. Not just for you but for everyone on the team.