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Senior Secret cleared Helpdesk Specialist to support Microsoft Azure/Cloud based applications including Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Outlook and others

Ottawa, ON
  • Nombre de poste(s) à combler : 1

  • À discuter
  • Emploi Contrat

  • Date d'entrée en fonction : 1 poste à combler dès que possible

Our valued Public Sector client is in need of a Senior Secret cleared Helpdesk Specialist to support Microsoft Azure/Cloud based applications including Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Outlook and others.

Our candidate will have the following experience:
  • 15 years experience as a Helpdesk Specialist
  • 15 years experience providing technical assistance, training, and advice to clients with varying degrees of IT technical knowledge.
  • 3 year experience in the last 5 years supporting Microsoft Azure/Cloud based applications including Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Outlook and others.
  • 10 years experience installing, configuring, troubleshooting, or providing detailed support to hardware and software in a Microsoft Windows environment or Cellular Smartphones including Android and IOS devices


Niveau d'études

non déterminé

Années d'expérience

non déterminé

Langues écrites

non déterminé

Langues parlées

non déterminé