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Conseil en Éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN)


  • 1234.00 à 12345.00 $ par heure selon l'expérience
  • 35.00 h - Temps plein

  • Emploi Contrat

  • Jour

  • 1 poste à combler dès que possible


The EcoNation program is a network of indigenous who want to protect the relationship that First NAtions have had with the environment since time immemorial. By participating in the EcoNation program, candidates become agents of awareness for their community and will have to mobilize the population on subjects related to the protection of the environment. He will have to encourage members to properly sort their waste and inform them of the services offered in the community as well as current concepts and movements aimed at reducing our impact on the environment.


Have a strong interest in environmental issues and substainable development;
Good knowledge of social networks and the media environment of the community;
Have a good interpersonnal skills, be confortable in public and be able to express themself eadely;
Be organized and autonomous;

Apply Now

Please email your resume and cover letter :
110 rue Ogima

Environnement de travail

Environnement de travailConseil en Éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN)0
Environnement de travailConseil en Éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN)1
Environnement de travailConseil en Éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN)2
Environnement de travailConseil en Éducation des Premières Nations (CEPN)3


Niveau d'études

non déterminé


non déterminé

Années d'expérience

non déterminé

Langues écrites

non déterminé

Langues parlées

non déterminé